Fees & Subscriptions

Lone Wolf - Limited Access
- One Discovery Profile
- Limited Daily AI Picks
- Limited Premium Data Content
- Limited Access to Ask Mr Wolf
- Limited Stocks AI Analysis
Alpha Wolf - Unlimited Access
$297 Yearly
- Daily Market Signals
- Unlimited Premium Data Content
- Unlimited Access to Ask Mr Wolf
- Unlimited Stocks AI Analysis
- Follow Profiles
- Auto Top-up
Fees & Commissions
TradingBlock - Commissions & Fees
US equities and ETF’s
Zero Commission
Trade Processing Fee - Fractional Shares
Broker-assisted Trade (including broker sell outs)
NSCC Illiquidity Charge
TradingBlock - Commissions & Fees
SEC Fee - Regulatory fee applies to sale transactions
$8.00 per $1,000,000 in sale proceeds
TAF Fee - Finra regulatory fee applies to sale transactions
$0.000145 / share
Cash Transfer Fees
Returned ACH Deposit
ACH Deposit
Wire Transfer (incoming)
Wire Transfer - Outgoing (Domestic)
Wire Transfer - Outgoing (International)
Returned Check/ACH/Wire
Account Transfers (ACATS) Fees
Incoming (ACAT - Partial or Full)
Outgoing (ACAT - Partial or Full)
IRA Account Fees
IRA Custodian Fee
Outgoing (ACAT - Partial or Full)
Statements, Confirm and Tax Documents Fees
Electronic Statements, Confirms and Tax Documents
Paper Statement (Per Month)
Paper Trade Confirmation (Per Confirm)
Paper Tax Document (Per Statement)
Statements - Archived Copies (2 Years or Older)
$25.00 (1-3 Months) $100.00 (Full Year)
Overnight Delivery Fees
Back Office Fees
Non-Transferable Stock (Per month, Per Security)
Voluntary Corporate Action - Domestic
Voluntary Corporate Action - International
Reg T Margin Extensions
Escheatment/Dormant Account Fee)
Involuntary Reorgs/Mandatory Corporate Actions (Including Forward and Reverse Splits)
$25.00 Per Corporate Action or Reorg